Flunixin Meglumine Injection
It is the first nonsteroidal analgesic agent in China with anti-inflammatory and antipyretic activity only used for animal.

Main Ingredients
Flunixin Meglumine
Effectively antipyretic and analgesic
Enhance antimicrobial efficacy
Clear liquid, colorless or light yellow
Pharmacodynamics Flunixin meglumine is a potent inhibitor of the enzyme cyclooxygenase, with anti-inflammatory analgesic antirheumatic and antipyretic activity. The analgesic function is due to blocking the pain impulse conduction via inhibition of peripheral prostaglandins or the synthesis of pain sensitization material or both. The anti-inflammatory effects at peripheral tissue is due to blocking the cyclo-oxygenase pathway, reducing the production of prostaglandins and inhibiting other media producing localized inflammatory reaction. Flunixin meglumine does not affect the gastrointestinal motility of horse and may have the ability to improve hemodynamics of septic shock animals.
Pharmacokinetics Flunixin meglumine was administered at an actual dose of 2.22mg per kg IM and can be detected after 18h. The plasma terminal half-life was 3-4 hours, the peak concentrations was 2.94μg/ml and the Tmax was 0.4 hours. The apparent volume of distribution is 2.0L/kg, while the bioavailability of single shot neck injection is 87%.
Do not administer other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) concurrently or within 24 hours of each other. Some NSAIDs may be highly bound to plasma proteins and compete with other highly bound drugs which can lead to toxic effects.
Mainly used for fever, inflammatory diseases, muscle pain and soft tissue pain etc., such as sow agalactia syndrome.
Dosage and Administration
For use in pigs, the recommended dose rate is 0.04ml/kg bodyweight once by intramuscular or intravenous injection.
Adverse Reaction
The most common untoward effect for dog is vomit, diarrhea and gastrointestinal ulcers.
Use is contraindicated in animals suffering from cardiac, hepatic or renal disease, where there is the possibility of gastro-intestinal ulceration or bleeding, where there is evidence of a blood dyscrasia or hypersensitivity to the product.
Do not use in dehydrated animals suffering from ileusassociated colic.
Withdrawal Period
Pigs: 28 Days (tentatively)
Store in cool, dry place and keep away from heat and direct sunlight.
100mL: 5g (Flunixin)
100mL/bottle, 20 bottles/case.
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